
Tv tropes dmc 5
Tv tropes dmc 5

tv tropes dmc 5

Was his goal the entire time to regain the power he had lost and take revenge on Dante? Was it simply an act of self-preservation to keep himself from crumbling to dust? Perhaps a realization that Vergil's resurrection was a far better outcome than Urizen's machinations being left unchecked? Given V's ultimate fate, we may never get an answer. When V held Sparda to Dante's head in an effort to "wake him up", was he actually going for the killing blow (perhaps in an act of Taking You with Me before turning to dust)? Or was he keeping Dante alive to help defeat Urizen? The latter is often seen as a call-back to DMC3 perhaps his memories as Vergil made him remember that Dante woke up and unlocked his Devil Trigger after he was stabbed with the Rebellion, therefore, stabbing him with the Sparda might unlock a new trump card?.Is Vergil a Karma Houdini who regrets nothing and goes unpunished, or did the positive experiences of being V help him to realize just how pointless his lust for power was when Nero beat him soundly? The fact that he seems pleasantly surprised that Nero is his son and not Dante's as well as the gentle way he says Nero's name at the start of their fight make him seem like he's changed for the better, but he and Dante leave for the Underworld to destroy the Qliphoth immediately afterwards, making it impossible to know for sure.In the Special Edition, Vergil's EX Provocation taunt makes his Doppelganger dance to Dies Irae, causing him to strike it down afterwards.What can be taken from this interaction? Some fans believe that Vergil's Character Development as V helped bring out the wacky side in him just like his twin brother, but by striking down his Doppelganger after it made a funny dance, he's just keeping his stoic persona intact. Others believe that V didn't truly disappear and he's the one taking over the Doppelganger just to make it dance. Did Dante know V was Vergil's human half all along? Some believe he did, explaining his general aversion towards V and why he would let a complete stranger kill Urizen, his brother's demon half, without protest, giving Vergil a chance to make up for his mistakes via his human side.When Dante awakens his Sin Devil Trigger, what was the change for him? Did he overcome the hatred of his demonic heritage and possible resentment toward Vergil for waking his Devil Trigger in 3, or did he fully embrace his demonic heritage rather than simply accepting it? Did Dante accept the demonic power within, or achieve a perfect balance of his humanity and demonic legacy? The scene stands out as the only example of Dante actively taking action to gain greater power, as the previous examples of gaining power in DMC3 and DMC1 were a result of outside factors, being that Vergil forcefully activating his Devil Trigger with Rebellion, and that the awakening of the Devil Sword Sparda only being possible because Nelo Angelo had half of the perfect amulet, as Dante never sought out his father's power, leading to the question if this action was driven by the desire to save Nero.Does he challenge Urizen as revenge for taking his arm? As a way of proving himself to Dante and company? Out of guilt for losing Yamato and enabling a demon invasion? Urizen defeating Dante a month ago suggests he has little chance of winning anyway, so by pressing ahead, is he recklessly overestimating his own power, borderline suicidal, or simply desperate and out of time given the threat Urizen poses? Surprisingly, the game itself almost seems to say yes to all of them, though Nero wanting revenge is portrayed as his initial reason until later on. Dante also knew that his brother's Yamato can "separate man from devil", so he might've suspected that Urizen has a human counterpart. This side also explains why he was so angry when Vergil did show up in person, as V betrayed his trust. Alternatively, some believe Dante was completely in the dark, not realising that Vergil's humanity had become personified, or that he doesn't know V and Urizen can still fuse again.

Tv tropes dmc 5